
Smart 3-Bedroom Cottage - Real Estate

The listing agent of this home wanted to highlight the efficient layout of its floor plan knowing that once potential buyers saw it, they’d be sold. What better way to do that than a SketchDwell floor plan?!

Intimate Pool House - Vacation Rental

The host of this charming pool house wanted guests to see that their little space boasted an ample amount of amenities given its size. A SketchDwell floor plan is a great way to complement photos as part of a listing’s gallery.

Barcelona Apartment - Vacation Rental

The host of this beautiful Spanish apartment wanted to be able to quickly communicate to guests the shared layout of her vacation rental. She’s found that by providing more detailed information up front she has received less questions about layout and finds that her guests expectations of the space are more accurate. All of this with the help of a SketchDwell floor plan!

Multi-story Residential House

Photographs are vital to an online real estate listing’s gallery, but they can be disorienting. The realtor of this property knew that potential buyers would have questions about the bedroom layouts so they included a floor plan to help communicate the flow. By including more information with their listing they attracted the right buyers faster. That’s the power of a SketchDwell floor plan!